hi kay here from eco see to skin by
sarinen organics and today i'm going
to show you a diy recipe that you can do
with ingredients in your home it's quite
a simple recipe now this is all about
the itchiness and the swelling from a
mozzy bite so the uh i did a diy video
just before this one um that you can do
for that initial sting because the
initial sting that the aussies are
giving you um has got fatty acid in it
and so you've got to neutralize that
really really quickly so then after you
neutralize that sting then what you
might have is a lingering itch
and a lingering swelling and that's
mozzie has basically left behind a
protein spike and the body thinks it's a
so it's going to rush the white blood
so those white blood cells they are
transported in a histamine and of course
what you're going to get from the
but we don't want that we just want to
mask the effects of it because it's
actually quite a good thing that the
white blood cells are going to that area
to get rid of that protein
so all we need is to make something
really quite simple that you can do at
home that's going to help with the
swelling and it's also going to help
with that itch just to neutralize that
itch so just to help soothe that it
and we need one cup of the raw oats now
i've put it through wrapped it through
our um what do you call this gregor
nutribullet and nutribullet
so it's really nice and fine
that's great so how's you'll be there
forever and a day in a mortar and pestle
doing it in the mortar and pestle so
is a poultice that we're going to be
putting on a chuck's cloth so quite
simply hopefully you can get yourself
your hands on our really good
oats and then we've got some aloe vera
now unfortunately our aloe vera got
certified organic aloe vera
making it into a nice paste there we go
there and then we've got some cold
tea bags in here and now i'm just going
to use some of the actual tea
oh that didn't work out well did it
a nice place i'm really quite happy with
that look at that it's nice and pasty
and then all you have to do to apply it
grab yourself some chucks the dry trucks
this is great for media bites as well so
what you want to do is spread that
and then you're going to be wrapping it
okay so you oh it's so cool it's
beautiful actually it's really nice and
a little um safety pin and safety pin it
on if you like or you can get a little
bit of the tape as well so there you go
and you can keep that on there um you
can also pre-make all of this this is
what grape does actually he pre-makes
all these and he um puts like a film
like that wrap it lays them in the
freezer so you can you can either put
from the water and pretzel put it in a
container just put it in the fridge
and put them on the chucks every day or
you can pre-make maybe half a dozen
and just put them in the freezer and
just keep them stored in the freezer
until you get bitten by a mozzie yeah so
they'll they'll freeze through it quite
nicely so there you go there's a really
simple diy poultice that you can do at
home to help with this itchiness
and the swelling talk to you soon