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Tried and tested and very happy with product. Only way to beat the midges and mozzies from attacking me. Thank you Kaye for coming up with a natural product.
we certainaly dont need all those horrible chemicals, when essential oils do the job, thank you for trusting us with your mozzie defence xx
Very effective
it is rather amazing isnt it that essentail oils can do such a good job, we dont need chemicals xx
I did try to put through a review.
oh no what happened?
Currently travelling around Aus camping & after being eaten alive in a bush camp for two days I booked a hotel room for a few days in Eden. Went to the visitors centre & bought this with the thoughts that it probably wouldn't work. IT WORKS! I can get into my van full of mozzies & they will not touch me & soon enough they find somewhere else to go. Sprays make me feel sick so finding a natural product that works is essential for me. It is worth gold & I only wish I had bought the bigger bottle. Will be sure to buy more when I can. Back to enjoying bush camping. Thank you 💜
Oh faboulous to hear, I know right, so many products on the market but i have put alot of research into this cream to make sure it works. We are a out door family and it had to work because i was sick of the sprays as well. Fun fact sprays need a chemical inthem to suspend the active incredients, in a cream we can disperse them in very concentrated quantites without suspenidng chemicals xx
Michelle Wilkie reviewed Saarinen Organics. — 5 star
January 25
I am a total convert to the Saarinen Organics skin care!
After receiving a gift pack for Xmas from my young daughter (bought on the sly at a local market) I gave the cleanser, day face cream and body & hand cream a go. Loved them all so much I bought a toner from The Market Place in Bega.
The proof is in the pudding as they say, & after some great advice from Kay about how to use the products my skin is feeling fantastic. I love that what I am applying to my skin has been grown locally, organically AND totally works.
The insect repellant absolutely stops bites & the hypericum oil stops itches. The oil was shown to me by a friend who had great success with treating her four children’s mosquito bites!
I’ve had troubled skin and as I age it hasn’t settled the way I had hoped it would – until I started using the Saarinen Organic skin care. I feel like my skin is glowing, and I am so pleased I am using products that will not build up toxins in my body as I continue to use Kay’s beautiful products.
My teenage daughter is also enjoying the benefits of these products and as her hormones are naturally producing a lot of oil, these products are gentle but the pimple system is easy and effective 🙂 Thank-you Kay