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Pleasantly surprised with easing my itching. Had to think about the lotion smell, not floral. Used to it now, like it. Thankyou 🌻
Perfect for psoriasis and dry skin
Soothing and healing amazing
thank you, its been a journey to get this right and to help xx
ill take that xx
I love this cream and have been using it since I stumbled across it years ago in a little shop in Tilba. It resolves my eczema and dry skin problems rapidly. For me it has been far superior to the usual prescribed hydrocortisone creams. Brilliant!
Hello, you have stuck a cord in my heart that is for sure, cortisone there is of course a time nd place but it makes my heart sing that you are able to use a natural cream and not turn to that one xx
I use it twice a day on arms and legs and it keeps my aged skin skin comfortable - it rubs in well and the love the smell
Great stuff
Oh i am so happy to hear it helps you, it was many many years in formulation to get this one right because it HAD to work. The 6 month Fermentation of the hypericum is the absulute hero xx