Sunburn DIY treatment recipe

It happens to the best of us, just recently i went kayaking and forgot to put sunscreen on my legs.
Here is a fantastic home remedy to do for anyone in the household
In a cool bath add
1 cup of Apple cider vinegar
1 cup of bicarb soda
1 cup of fine oats
500ml of black tea cooled
500ml of Chamomile tea cooled
Soak your sunburn every hour during the day to draw the heat out.
When the pain eases pat dry lightly and apply our after sun cream or aloe Vera straight from the plant.
All the above ingredients will draw the heat out and cool the skin.
Another great tip is never use a heavy cream with beeswax in it for it will lock the heat in and make it worse.
For severe sunburn, after a soak pour straight apple cider vinegar on the area and resoak every 30min until the heat has calmed down before adding our after sun cream.